Friday, March 16, 2018

Music in our Hearts

Hello everybody and yes it is the end of the week!

We had an amazing week going to local schools to talk about the arts and how music can make a change in our everyday's life. We can't wait to continue inspiring young ones to new heights and help them reach a new potential in their life. What we are about to share with you all is a kids choir we had a chance to sing along with. Our very own Cory McCreery had a chance to hangout with those kids and played a few songs with them. 

McCreery quoted during one interview, "It was absolutely an experience of a life time. It's amazing how each kid had their own unique way of singing. It was like I was in a professional setting where they really don't need to look professional, they sound professional." While he was there we had opened up the floor to many questions and most of the kids wanted to know how he got started. Cory hope his story reach them by somewhat and hoping they will keep dreaming. 

If you want more story about what PS22 Choir and Cory did, here is the link to the video.

Thank you and hope you guys have a wonderful day! 

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